
A Company Roll-up for Maximum Market Impact, Efficiency, and Value

In the words of Charles Darwin, survival goes not to the strongest or the most intelligent, but to those most capable of adapting to environmental change.
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By William Berenson Dec 15, 2023

We found this timeless principle to be particularly significant as we set out to chart the future of our businesses in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic earlier in the year.

The business landscape had witnessed profound change. Surviving enterprises were emerging from a state of uncertainty with newfound resilience, not merely recovering, but surging back with heightened strength, speed, agility, and with a great capacity for innovation and renewal.

We saw major markets converging, giving rise to next generations of artificial intelligence and digital transformation. We also saw new levels of operational excellence and customer experience solutions that are redefining the way we’re interacting with today’s interconnected world.

Amidst the remarkable recovery, our leadership also jumped into high gear, analyzing our talent, tools, and resources. We were running three independent companies: Paktolus, a software development company, higherL, a tech-enabled learning and training company, and Campaign Precision, a branding and data-driven marketing company. Our key questions focused on the direction of the companies, the time and cost of managing and promoting three separate entities, streamlining operations, and creating enhanced value.

Following several intense rounds of market research and analysis, we quickly set out to reconfigure our three companies into a single, integrated infrastructure capable of delivering a host of innovative, future-ready client solutions. We also determined that by merging Paktolus, higherL, and Campaign Precision under the Paktolus brand; we could become a true end-to-end digital transformation powerhouse comprised of 350+ experts worldwide.

While it’s barely been half a year, the roll-up has promoted vast internal knowledge sharing, improved operational efficiencies, increased market presence and awareness, cross marketing benefits, new clients, and ultimately greater value.

In short order, Paktolus has become a digital transformation force to be reckoned with, offering enterprises powerful new solutions like Paktolus Adaptive Intelligence®, a seamless integration of automation, data, artificial intelligence (ADA), and human creativity.

Today, with its unified digital infrastructure and innovative solutions, Paktolus is well-prepared for complex tasks. For example, we’ve recently developed and presently operating an exceptionally responsive auction platform for one of the world’s most esteemed vintage, sport, exotic and luxury car auction houses. We’ve recently created more than a hundred highly engaging XR-based workforce training experiences for a global pharmaceutical company in a matter of months. And we’re currently strategically repositioning a rapidly rising advanced materials powerhouse committed to forging resilient circular economies by upcycling diverse carbon-based materials, including graphene, tomorrow’s supermaterial.

As the late Charles Darwin would no doubt agree, with global spending on digital transformation technologies expected to hit $2.8 trillion by 2025, we see a rapidly evolving environment offering enormous opportunities for those capable and willing to adapt.

Perhaps its no coincidence that we opted to go with the brand name Paktolus. After all, according to legend, King Midas divested himself of the golden touch by washing his hands in the Paktolus River. The historian Herodotus claimed that the gold carried in the river’s sediments was the source of King Croesus’ wealth. We may be on to something.